Camping Ground Activity

Section 17A Services Delivery Review

Through this review process Xyst spoke to Council’s operational, governance and financial staff, as well as camping ground operators and their governing bodies, to better understand the current operational model, performance and challenges.

We considered the current agreements, legislative compliance, asset management and tourism/visitor offering.

As a result we have made recommendations as to the necessary internal process improvements at Council, as well as individual operator efficiencies and standardised comparative data collection, to allow for an evidence-based shift to the most appropriate model in time.

Project Benefit

Xyst worked with Tararua District Council staff and camping ground operators to conduct a review in accordance with Section 17a of the Local Government Act 2002 to explore the most cost-effective and appropriate service delivery models for Councils four camping grounds.
Client organisation
Tararua District Council
Service Delivery
Service Delivery Review (Section 17a Local Government Act)
Quality Auditing and Monitoring
Management transition