Mark Corea

Mark Corea

With over 30 years of experience managing horticulture, parks, and open spaces across Singapore and Australia, I have worked in very diverse sectors including tourism, ornamental plant production, landscape construction, municipal and military facility open space maintenance, golf course, university campuses and local government. I’m very passionate about urban forestry and green infrastructure, I bring […]

Streetscape Maintenance Contract Specifications

Xyst was engaged by Maribyrnong City Council to draft new contract specifications for its contractors’ service delivery in its streetscapes. Xyst began this project by discussing with staff how maintenance is currently delivered, and by comparing the current contract documentation with the desired level of service. Xyst then drafted specifications for amenity mowing, sports field […]

Streetscape Maintenance Contract Drafting

Xyst was engaged by Maribyrnong City Council to draft a new streetscapes contract and procurement strategy, required to identify a new contractor. Xyst began this process by developing a procurement strategy in conjunction with staff, using Council’s existing templates. Once the strategy had been approved, Xyst prepared a contract adhering to industry best practice, which […]

Landscape Maintenance Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) to prepare the Parklands West Landscape Maintenance Contract. GSP required a procurement plan, tender documents and a performance-based contract, procured under a two-step EOI and RFT method, all to be completed within a short timeframe. Xyst began the process by collating current asset data to form contract […]

Streetscape GIS Mapping

Xyst was engaged by Maribyrnong City Council to map out streetscapes for use in a new streetscapes contract and asset management system. Xyst began this process by analysing the GIS mapping information supplied, then building on this data to finalise the mapping of streetscapes and community centres. This process mapped amenity mowing, amenity garden beds, […]

High Performance Sports Field Contract

The Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) required a contract for two high performance sports facilities; Kippax Lake Field and the Tramway Oval. Xyst provided services to meet the needs of GSP, ensuring the contract was performance based, utilising the specifications outlined in the facilities Turf Management Plans, and was assigned with a weighted attributes tender within […]

Arborist Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) who required a single contractor to complete arboriculture maintenance across the Greater Sydney Parklands’ network including; Western Sydney Parklands Parramatta Park Callan Park Fernhill Estate Centennial Parkland To facilitate this process Xyst produced a suitable procurement plan, contract and tender documents and managed the release of the […]

Asset Data Collection

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands to collect asset data on an estimated 12,000 assets in Centennial Park. Over two months staff worked in teams to collect information, including a condition assessment, photos of each asset, GPS locations, and information on size and usage. Once collected, Xyst cleaned the data and provided Greater Sydney […]

Park Service Delivery Audits

City of Yarra

Xyst designed a specialised tool for the Yarra City Council, leveraging the Safety Culture iAuditor platform. This tailored solution facilitates the inspection of areas maintained under the Council’s Open Space Maintenance Contract. All assets were inspected across the full range of park categories and measured for compliance with the relevant KPIs and outcomes detailed in […]

Asset Management Training


Through online training programs aligned with IPWEA Practice Notes, Xyst improved the parks and open spaces industry’s knowledge around the fundamentals of Parks Asset Management and Parks Contract Management. This course builds on Asset Management for Parks and Community Facilities and is designed to help move organisations towards industry best practice. The training is based […]

Site Operational Plan Template

City of Wyndham

Xyst workshopped with key parks staff, discussing delivery outcomes, levels of service, desired operational plans format and expectations for inclusion. This facilitated our understanding of key requirements and staff expectations. We prepared one template that can be adjusted by the team as needed for different sites and their characteristics. The template includes sections for each […]

Parks and Playgrounds gap analysis and performance assessment

Baw Baw Shire Council

Xyst undertook an open space performance and asset gap analysis covering: Development of an agreed level of service standard for the BBS parks and open spaces, based on their hierarchy and types. Conducted a comprehensive gap analysis providing an overview of each park within Baw Baw Shire, highlighting discrepancies between the current assets at each […]