Property and Facilities Activity Management Plan review
Xyst provided an at-a-glance review of the asset management plan as the first stage of Council’s plan rewrite. We prepared a report that lists suggested improvements in a table and will include issues, comments and suggestions for each AMP section. It remained at a high level and did not attempt to address or rewrite any […]
Reserves and Facilities Asset Management Plan Improvement Support
The project for WBOPDC was driven by the need to better structure and streamline the AMP sections, to align the sections to the adopted LTP and levels of service outcomes agreed by Council and the community. It also encompassed the outcome to better consider and explain demand, particularly the relationship of population growth to reserves […]
Boat Ramps Observational Study
Xyst undertook counts, using an observational count of vehicles across all boat ramps with the addition of a user count of park users at Marine Park. We completed 32 counts at each of the locations. At the Boat Ramp carparking areas, we undertook an observational count of vehicles/boats/boat trailers. The points to be counted were: […]
Community Experience Group Organisational Structure Review
Xyst undertook a review for Whakatāne District Council, looking at areas of the business that have the potential for positive change. Three types of change have been considered: 1. Process – any process changes to better benefit staff and the community. 2. Responsibility – role definition and allocating responsibility where there appears to be a […]
Memorial Headstone Safety Audit
The intent of the audit by Xyst was to inspect memorial headstones for stability/soundness and identify any headstones that may present a risk to cemetery visitors and staff. To provide some context, in July 2000 a six-year-old child died as a result of a collapsed headstone in a UK cemetery. UK Councils responded by increasing […]
Asset Condition and Data Assessment of Parks Assets
Xyst collected asset information on the parks portfolio of assets. The portfolio is spread over 75 parks, reserves and cemeteries across the South Waikato district in Tokoroa, Putararu, Tirau, Arapuni and other rural locations.
Training Facilitation
Xyst Canada has worked with NAMS Canada to provide asset management training across the county. This training provides a certificate in asset management planning and is recognized by the IPWEA. This project has seen thousands of participants receive their certificate and learn asset management topics such as: levels of service, risk management, demand management and […]
Lakeland District for Sports, Culture and Recreation AMP
Xyst Canada worked with Lakeland District of Sports, Culture and Recreation to mentor and complete six organization asset management plans. The plans were focused on recreation assets and included ice rinks, recreation facilities and sportsfield assets. This project identified risks, developed levels of service, created a governance structure and developed an extensive improvement plan.
Public Toilet Strategy
Public toilets are important community facilities for residents and visitors to maintain a safe, healthy, clean and tidy city. This Strategy considers facility provision, distribution, condition, usage, design elements, levels of service, operations and maintenance, future growth and future costs. Xyst provided robust data, information and evidence to inform an implementation plan to be used […]
Parks renewals forecast and budget submission
In order to prepare a budget forecast and prepare a supporting narrative for the submission, Xyst conducted an analysis of July 2021 asset data and condition summary (inspections completed April 2021) to consider the renewal requirement.
Asset Management Saskatchewan Asset Management Training
Working with Asset Management Saskatchewan (AMSK) Xyst Canada Ltd. delivered in-person and virtual training. Topics included: – Levels of service – Risk – Long term financial planning – Demand management – Lifecycle financial planning
Street Tree Data Collection
Identified each street by botanical name and common name and recored the trees stage of life, condition, issues such as located under power wires and what if any deferred maintenance was required. Each tree was photographed and plotted in to GIS Cloud ready for transfer to the clients GIS system.