Mark Corea

Mark Corea

With over 30 years of experience managing horticulture, parks, and open spaces across Singapore and Australia, I have worked in very diverse sectors including tourism, ornamental plant production, landscape construction, municipal and military facility open space maintenance, golf course, university campuses and local government. I’m very passionate about urban forestry and green infrastructure, I bring […]

Drone Aerial Imagery of Parks and Reserves

Xyst completed aerial mapping (using a drone) of rural land and reserves to provide a new orthomosaic image to be used for GIS, planning and future concept plan development (including planting/revegetation options). Xyst also captured images that provide a 360 spherical view of the reserve and the surrounding land areas, that can be used in […]

Landscape Maintenance Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) to prepare the Parklands West Landscape Maintenance Contract. GSP required a procurement plan, tender documents and a performance-based contract, procured under a two-step EOI and RFT method, all to be completed within a short timeframe. Xyst began the process by collating current asset data to form contract […]

Tree Maintenance Annual Performance Review

Ashburton District Council

The annual performance review of suppliers was based on pre-determined criteria, such as works quality, communications, public relations and health and safety. As part of this work Xyst gathered information and facilitated individual reviews. A report was compiled summarising the works undertaken, the outcomes of each suppliers’ review, key issues or concerns, and provided recommendations […]

Park Service Delivery Audits

City of Yarra

Xyst designed a specialised tool for the Yarra City Council, leveraging the Safety Culture iAuditor platform. This tailored solution facilitates the inspection of areas maintained under the Council’s Open Space Maintenance Contract. All assets were inspected across the full range of park categories and measured for compliance with the relevant KPIs and outcomes detailed in […]

Lake Alexandrina Community Engagement

Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to provide management support for the Lake Alexandrina and McGregor Reserves, which over successive years had fallen down the Council’s work programme. Initially, Xyst worked with Council staff to rekindle relationships with community representatives, and to discuss management issues as raised by the community and within a […]

Community Engagement and Concept Plan

Hall Crescent Reserve

Hall Crescent Reserve Xyst gathered feedback and ideas from key stakeholders and the community to inform a draft concept plan. This phase of engagement involved interviews with key stakeholders and an online survey to the surrounding community. This was advertised via site signage and through a community Facebook page. Based on the feedback from the […]

Tararua Reserve Land and Community Buildings Rationalisation

Tararua District Council

Xyst was engaged to review Tararua District Council’s (TDC) land and buildings portfolio to identify opportunities for rationalisation in order to reduce operational expenditure, as directed by the 2024 Long-Term Plan (LTP). The review encompassed Council-owned community buildings, parks, reserves, and other non-operational land with the primary objective of identifying under-utilised or surplus properties that […]

Ashburton Omnibus Reserve Management Plan

Ashburton District Council

Xyst developed an Omnibus Reserve Management Plan for the Ashburton District covering approximately 120 reserves, using the process outlined in the Reserves Act 1977. This included gaining approval from Council at various stages throughout the process by writing and presenting reports to Council, undertaking two rounds of public consultation, engagement with iwi and engagement with […]

Ashburton Land Status Review and Classification

Ashburton District Council

Xyst undertook a comprehensive review of all park and reserve land held by Ashburton District Council for open space purposes, to determine how the land was held, who the administering body of the land is under the Reserves Act 1977 and if land had been classified appropriately. We presented our findings and recommendations to Council […]

Hall Crescent Reserve Concept Design

Hall Crescent - Hutt City Council

Hutt City Council asked Xyst to improve the existing reserve and connect it to the surrounding environment. Through community engagement, we managed to identify key interventions that would resonate with the surrounding community and provide play opportunities, while improving accessibility through footpaths and amenity through planting.

Artificial Water Features in Parks

Risk Assessment Xyst conducted a risk assessment on Council-owned artificial water features located in public spaces. Xyst worked with Council to identify the assets to be assessed and agreed on the assessment criteria and risk matrix utilised to make the assessments. Using the site assessment tool SafetyCulture, we visited each asset and conducted a risk […]