Kauaeranga Valley Trail Needs Assessment
For preparation of the assessment Xyst undertook a review of current strategic documents, recreation participation, current trail provision, demographics and projections, the tourism setting and active transport opportunities. To understand where community sentiments lay and to gather further localised information community consultation was undertaken via three ways: stakeholder structured interviews, an online survey and drop-in […]
Karl Nesbitt
I have over 30 years’ experience in the horticulture, parks and open spaces, community facilities and customer service sectors. I have been involved in contract management, business development and quality assurance programs such as Yardstick. You can contact me for help with Project management Asset management Environmental landscape Open space development Cemeteries and crematoria Community, […]
We do everything required to create safe, sustainable trails that allow people to enjoy the outdoors without having an impact on the environment
Anne Relling
To assist councils and other agencies, I work with them to complete strategic and asset planning to help meet the recreational and open space needs of their communities. I also undertake project management on behalf of councils to implement actions identified in their long-term plans. It’s important to understand every client’s needs. That’s why we […]
Eric Hamilton
I support councils to develop clear policy and guidelines for managing public activities on public land. I do this by supporting council officers to manage natural and built assets, ensuring they are maintained and managed in a sustainable manner. This support includes helping council staff to grow and broaden their knowledge to manage people, activities, […]
Dafydd Pettigrew
As a consultant, I have been involved with a mixture of parks planning, asset management, capital works delivery and programme management projects for councils, charitable trusts and Maori trusts. My role often requires a high degree of consultation and engagement with the public, key stakeholders and mana whenua. In any project, I work with people […]
Paul Wilson
My primary role is to manage the team at Xyst’s Napier office and to assist our other consultants to bring innovative, best practice solutions for our clients. I have deep knowledge across the key areas of Xyst’s services and share it for our collective benefit. I’m the go-to guy for technical issues and problem solving. I […]