Pōmare Park Development – Stage 1

Pomare Park

Procurement and Project Management Xyst procured a suitable construction contractor via a competitive tender process and appointed them under a 3910 Construction Contract. Xyst also prepared the Resource Consent application and gained consent for the required earthworks. Xyst liaised with the contractor throughout the construction period, from contract issue in mid-March 2024 through to project […]

Matthias Smink

Matthias Smink

Working as a Landscape Architect for over 7 years, in both New Zealand and Switzerland, I have gained significant experience and expertise on a wide variety of projects including master planning, infrastructure projects, commercial, single- and multi-residential and subdivision developments, stormwater management, revegetation and naturalisation projects, public parks and reserves, at a range of scales. […]

Mangawhai Open Space and Facilities Needs Analysis

Mangawhai Open Space and Facilities Needs Analysis

Xyst was engaged by Kaipara District Council to assess provision of open spaces and recreation facilities in Mangawhai for the next 30 years. We assessed current and future needs due to population growth. We used the PlaceChangers online tool for spatial analysis of different types of open spaces and recreation facilities. This was supplemented by […]

Schedule of Quantities and Operational Review

Rotorua Lakes Council

Xyst reviewed the current schedule of quantities and aligned the contract delivery outcomes, enabling cost analysis at multiple levels. This allowed Xyst to undertake benchmarking of costs of delivery against the existing service delivery, which then enabled the Council to have a better understanding of the true cost of providing agreed service levels, through a […]

Asset Fair Value Assessment

Xyst was engaged by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council to determine the replacement values for its Parks and Coastal Assets. This project involved contacting suppliers of Parks and Reserves assets to identify market trends. Further research and adjustments were made using data from previous valuations, current projects, the Business Price Index (BPI), and […]

Section 17A Review

Gisborne District Council

Parks and Open Spaces Service Delivery Xyst considered several options to determine the most cost-effective means of delivering open space services including: fully outsourcing maintenance, continuing with the current hybrid model (with or without changes), or bringing the entire operation in-house. Each option was considered against the principles of value for money, quality, responsiveness, and […]

Kevin Collier

Kevin Collier

Kevin brings a unique and extensive mix of skills and experience to his role as Principal Sport and Recreation Consultant at Xyst. His chosen ‘career-for-life’ in the sport, recreation and events industry includes significant roles in the rebuilding of Christchurch’s sport facility infrastructure as well as playing a part in securing and hosting major sports events […]

Hawkes Bay Expressway Mapping

We drew upon a range of spatial information to develop the bespoke maps. These maps showed roading designations across the two Councils as well as neighbouring property boundary lines and other key spatial data. We then arranged the printing of two high resolution maps at 3m x 1.5m, including graffiti guard to install on the […]

Lake Tekapo Township Rabbit Control

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to coordinate rabbit control in the Lake Tekapo township following a Notice of Direction from Environment Canterbury (ECAN). Xyst began by procuring a suitable contractor for the operation, reaching out to multiple qualified operators for pricing. Staff then requested a detailed operational plan and conducted a site visit to […]

Meadow Bank Reserve Development

Meadow Bank Reserve

Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently, a construction contractor, to commence site works in June 2024. Xyst also developed a revised landscape concept plan for recreational improvements – including a new accessible track, providing greater access […]

Streets for People Concept Development Plan

Xyst worked with the project team, and engaged with key stakeholders in the development of a series of landscape concept plans for key sites within the project area that included painted street planters and planting, footpath and electrical box murals, and the inclusion of additional seating and rest areas that connect with adjacent green spaces […]