Street Tree Data Collection

Identified each street by botanical name and common name and recored the trees stage of life, condition, issues such as located under power wires and what if any deferred maintenance was required. Each tree was photographed and plotted in to GIS Cloud ready for transfer to the clients GIS system.

Asset Management Plans for The City of Cold Lake, Alberta

Manage and support internal staff during each phase of creating an asset management plan for the 4 main lines of service – Water, Sanitary, Water Delivery and Roads. Mentoring staff during each phase of developing the plan – identify asset categories, collect relevant financial data, identify risks, develop levels of service, create a governance structure, […]

Asset Management Policy for the Village of Cumberland, B.C.

The Council wanted a broad-based policy that captured natural and constructed assets, recognized the relationships with adjacent private and First Nations landowners, comprehensive to include employees and private contractors, and written in plain language.

Asset & Facility Risk Assessments

New councillors were worried about the risks posed to their community, so the Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to perform a risk assessment on a range of community facilities and assets. Xyst’s team started by performing several site assessments, including the Albury Playground, Twizel Machinery Display, and Twizel Pool, producing several advisory reports for the […]

Parks & Facilities Management

Xyst was brought on board after a thorough risk and performance evaluation of the Mackenzie District Council’s parks and community facilities operations. Xyst was then asked to fill a sudden staff management gap, which quickly evolved into a long-term commitment to manage the District’s public facilities, parks, and community spaces. Throughout this period, Xyst’s team […]

Parks, Gardens, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Operations and Maintenance Contract

Xyst undertook a comprehensive procurement process for the development of a new maintenance contract covering the entire district. This included specification writing, GIS asset and contract mapping, contract writing, procurement plan, ROI and RFP preparation and evaluation. Xyst also assisted with contractor handover and contract management in the first year of the contract.

Asset Condition Assessment & Valuation

Xyst was engaged to undertake Asset Collection work on behalf of the Mackenzie District Council, where we used a mobile GIS data collection tool to populate asset data throughout the district’s parks, facilities and trails. This asset information was then used to develop a renewal plan and valuation. This information has also been populated onto […]

Open space contract quality audits and asset management condition inspections

The City of Whittlesea maintains 2,173 sites within its municipal boundaries where individual assets are located to be audited. All assets are inspected across the full range of park categories and measured for compliance with the relevant KPIs and outcomes detailed in the parks services contract, acting impartially and without bias. In any given month […]

Tree Strategy

Port Pirie wishes to be a region that has pride in, and appreciates the values of its trees within public parks, streets and open spaces. It wishes to provide streets that are attractive and town centres which are visually appealing and inviting, to complement the network of parks and open spaces ranging from urban to […]

Manapouri Foreshore Vegetation Management Plan

Southland District Council (SDC) was undertaking a review of the Manapouri Foreshore Reserve Management Plan (2003) which provided for height management of vegetation on the reserve. Although some work on vegetation had been carried out, there had been little ongoing height management particularly in the areas identified as “retained/managed bush”. An itemised programme of works […]

Waikato Tree Inventory data collection

Waikato District Council

Using a mobile data collection tool (GIS Cloud) Xyst collected data about the identity, age, condition, location and maintenance requirements of every Council tree in the Waikato District. Data (including images) is collected in the field and uploaded to a cloud-based database from where it can be exported in various formats for import directly into […]