Twizel Man Made Hill Development
The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted a concept plan for review and implementation by the Mackenzie District Council. The project’s primary goals were to engage the community, revegetate the hill, and enhance the existing walking trail. […]
Lake Ruataniwha Reserve Management Plan
Xyst was commissioned by the Mackenzie District Council to develop a Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the Lake Ruataniwha Reserve, in accordance to the Reserves Act 1977. In the initial phase, Xyst conducted in-depth research into the land’s status and historical background. Critically, key stakeholders were then notified about the intention to formulate the management […]
Parks & Facilities Asset Management Plan
Xyst reviewed and updated the Mackenzie District Council’s Parks Facilities & Public Places Asset Management Plan (AMP). This involved multiple thorough checks, incorporating new data gathered over the past three years. Importantly, the insights derived from the Council’s AMP played a pivotal role in shaping both the capital and operational budgets within the Council’s Long […]
Mauka Atua Reserve, Design & Development
Xyst took on the task of designing and developing the Mauka Atua Reserve, transforming it into a functional public space. Collaborating closely with the Lake Tekapo Community Board, Xyst identified and incorporated key features into a landscape plan for the reserve. After approval, Xyst project managed the site development, overseeing the project to completion. Over […]
Play Strategy
Xyst was commissioned to develop a Play Strategy for the Mackenzie District Council, the region has a modest population of around 8000 residents but welcomes over 1 million guests nights annually. Given these unique demographics, a meticulous approach to play asset provision is essential. The strategy commenced with a comprehensive review, delving into existing levels […]
Public Toilets Strategy
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to conduct a comprehensive review of the provision of Public Toilets in the District and to formulate a strategy. As a District with substantial tourist volumes, high numbers of transiting visitors and a low-rate payer base, a well-thought-out approach was needed. The strategy needed to factor in a range […]
Service Delivery Options
Xyst were engaged at short notice to undertake a comprehensive cost comparison of out-sourced maintenance versus in-house operations. The analysis included a 10 year whole of life cost analysis and considered a wide range of operational, organisational and cultural issues to inform Council’s decision making processes.
Community Facilities Strategy
The Community Facilities Strategy (CFS) provided direction for decision making, development and management of community facilities in the Waikato District, including tasks such as investment and divestment frameworks for Council staff. The strategy considered the following facilities: public toilets aquatics community halls community hubs and libraries sport facilities and pavilions Our team supported engagement with […]
Central Otago Parks and Recreation Activity Management Plan
Xyst undertook an update of the Parks and Recreation Activity Management for the 2024-34 LTP. This work including updating information relating to: land and asset data; population and growth projections; burial interments and swimming pool usage. Updated Yardstick analysis and performance metrics. Meet with client to review and updated operational and asset management practices and […]
Timaru Parks and Cemeteries Asset Management Plan
Xyst reviewed the existing plans and updated them with current information to inform the 2021 Long Term Plan.
Waipā Development Levels of Service
As a result of gap’s identified in the preparation of Waipa’s Asset Management Plans, Xyst was engaged to prepare a parks hierarchy detailed development levels of service.
Waipā Parks, Cemetery and Public Toilets Asset Management Plans
Xyst worked with Council staff to update the information in the Parks, Cemetery and Toilets Asset Management Plans to inform the 2024 Long Term Plan.